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The Power Hour

Here’s How One Single Hour Can Solve Any Marketing Issue Your HR Consulting Business Is Going Through

(Without Any Effort Whatsoever on Your Part)

Because if You’ve Tried…

  • Reading any and every book you’ve found…
  • Listening to all the podcasts…
  • Watching all the various YouTube gurus…

And none of it has gotten you any clearer on what to do to get a pipeline of perfect-fit, high-paying clients.

Then fear not, friend. Because you’re in the right place.

The Power Hour Will Help You:

  • Resolve any marketing, sales or copywriting issue you’re going through.
  • Understand how to build your very own sales funnel so you get every client you ever want at fees you’re currently too scared to say out loud.
  • Increase your prices/fees to levels you’re currently too scared to say out AND have your clients be grateful for it.

So get The Power Hour now – and get a clear path to follow so you go from confusion and frustration to certainty and confidence.

Interested? Here’s How the Power Hour Works:

  1. You get an hour with me by clicking the button below.
  2. You reply to the purchase confirmation email and explain what you need help with.
  3. I invite you to book a call with me, and/or ask you to send the materials you want me to review.
  4. We go through your situation and understand what you’ve done, what you haven’t done, what you want to do and what you don’t want to do.
  5. We create a solid and easy-to-follow plan you can take away with you and plug in to your business that day.

Simple, right?

So book your Power Hour now… And get your very own sales solution blueprint.


What is The Power Hour?

The Power Hour is a one-hour session where we talk about anything you want help with, like marketing, sales, or writing for your HR business. It’s your time to ask questions, get advice, and leave with a plan.

Who is The Power Hour for?

The Power Hour is for HR Consultants who want help with their marketing, sales, or writing. If you’re unsure how to reach more clients, how to sell your services, or how to improve your writing, this session is for you.

What happens during The Power Hour?

We’ll meet online for an hour, and you can ask me anything you like. You can also send me things to look at before the session, like your writing or your goals. By the end of the hour, you’ll have a clear plan, answers to your questions, and any resources I have that could help you.

How do I book a Power Hour?

You can book a Power Hour right here on this page. After booking, you’ll get a confirmation email. Just reply to that email with what you’d like to talk about or the materials you want me to review. We can then meet up Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM and you can pick a time that suits you best.

If I book a call with you and you can’t help me do I get my money back?

Absolutely. If you book a call with me and it turns out that I can’t help you, then I’ll return your money no questions asked. In fact, you can action your own refund in the receipt you get, so you have full control on whether to take action on that refund. It’s not as if I can say, “no” or avoid you.

What if I ask you to make the changes we agree on for me?

We’ll take the money you’ve already invested and remove it from the final price of any work you want me to complete for you.

Will I get a discount if I need a second power hour off the back of the first power hour?

If you feel like you need another session, I can offer you a 10% discount on the second one.

I’m unsure if I actually need a power hour with you. Should I still get it?

Well, without understanding the situation, I really can’t give you any advice, but what I would say, is that if I can’t help you, then you get your money back. And you can believe me when I say that because LinkedIn is a small place for HR Consultants, so word of me stealing from you (let’s call a spade a spade) will circulate VERY quickly and then I’ll be ruined. So don’t worry about getting your money back – you’ll definitely get a refund. I’ll personally action it immediately.

What can we talk about on the Power Hour?

Anything and everything. Whatever you’re having trouble with, that’s what we’ll discuss. If it’s a campaign you want to run… if it’s some copy you want reviewing… if it’s a website that isn’t converting leads into clients. Whatever copywriting, marketing or sales issues that you’re struggling with right now, I can help you.

Do I have to use the power hour immediately after buying it?

Not at all. If you want to get a power hour and use it later, that’s absolutely no problem whatsoever. Just let me know and we can put a pin in it until a better time.

Can I record the session?

Yes, you can record the session if you want to. That way, you can listen to it again later.

How much can we cover in an hour?

We can cover as much as you need to in that hour. If we go a little over time, that’s okay too. I won’t be watching the clock!

What makes The Power Hour special?

The Power Hour is all about you. You get to ask any question you have, and I’ll do my best to give you all the answers and help you need.

Do you offer support after the session?

Yes, after the session, I’ll send you any resources that could help you, like a cheatsheet on how to reach your goals. I’ll also check in with you later to see how you’re doing and to encourage you to keep going.

What if I’m not happy with the session?

If you’re not satisfied, or if you decide you need more help than we could cover in the session, I’ll give you your money back. I want to make sure you feel good about the time you’ve spent.

How can I get in touch if I have more questions?

You can contact me on LinkedIn if you have any more questions or need extra help after the session.

Can I see behind the scenes and how one of these sessions would go?

Yes, you can! There are a few episodes of my podcast where you can listen in and see exactly how a Power Hour session works. It’s a great way to get a feel for what to expect and how I can help you.