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Hi There

My name is Nick Poninski and I work with Independent HR Consultants to help them get control of their business.

That means, they get The Right Client at the Right Time for the Right Fee. If you want to know about my methods then you can

It costs less than a bottle of wine and like all my products and services comes with a

Double your Money back

and an Afternoon Tea For Two Guarantee

So, if you're not 100% delighted then just let me know and I'll personally activate the guarantee no questions asked.

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My Story

My story began in 2018 when I was living in Leeds and juggling my day job as an HR Advisor with my night-time entrepreneurial ventures. I first tried Venchur, a dating app for 15-minute coffee dates, then The Digital Male, a resource for men’s dating advice. By 2020, neither succeeded, revealing my lack of expertise but sparking a passion for marketing and copywriting.

I began devouring books, YouTube videos, and online courses, investing heavily in my education—over £13K in various programs. And despite becoming a decent copywriter, quitting my job to pursue self-employment was challenging, after all, I’d only earned £10K in two years, exhausting my savings.

I blogged, posted on social media, wrote a book, and consumed endless content, but these efforts didn’t yield a consistent income. So I sought more expert help, spending thousands on ineffective coaching. After a while, it dawned on me that the piecemeal nature of these courses was the issue and I needed a holistic business-building strategy.

Desperate to succeed, I sold my house to fund further investments and stay afloat. And that’s when fortune favoured me. See, a chance recommendation led me to a no-nonsense coach who offered a comprehensive solution. I went all in, sacrificing stability for my dream. After a year-long program, and £12K invested, I transformed from a struggling copywriter to a marketing and sales expert.

Now, I share this holistic approach through “The HR Consultant’s Complete Client Control Solution,” a 12-month program that helps HR Consultants attract, convert, and retain clients effortlessly. We build a robust business infrastructure together, ensuring consistent, high-paying clients and eliminating feast-or-famine cycles.

If this resonates with you, apply to join the program. It’s demanding and selective, but for those accepted, we achieve remarkable results.


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My Mission

My name is Nick Poninski and I work with independent UK-based HR Consultants to get them every client they ever want at a price they’re currently too scared to say out loud even if they’ve never had that pipeline of perfect fit, high paying clients before.

I do this by helping them plug-in a seven step formula that ensures the HR Consultant knows who they want to work with, what they want to sell to them, and how to turn every client they work with into even more clients.

Now, the reason I’ve chosen to work with HR Consultants is because I’ve worked in HR so I understand how invaluable they are to an organisation’s success.

After all, people are an organisation. And if those people aren’t performing, then nor is the organisation. And that’s where the HR function adds the most value – ensuring people are working to the best of their ability.

But I think that the importance of the HR function gets lost somewhere along the way. Resulting in them being underpaid, undervalued and quite often, the last to know about an organisation’s plans.

So, not only do I work with HR Consultants to get them the external success they want, I also work with them on those “soft skills” so they get internal recognition from their stakeholders so they can become business leaders who are valued and recognised, and well paid.

If that sounds like something you’d be keen on exploring with me, then either grab a copy of my book, “How to Land Your Dream Client”, or listen to my podcast, “Marketing Made Easy for HR Consultants.” 

Both focus on ensuring you’re the market-leading expert in your niche so you’re the one who chooses whether they work with someone, or not, and how much you want to charge them for the privilege of working with you.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, then feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


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The Year is 2026...

Below is a picture of the future I’d like to help you create. It’s my vision of what a day in the life of an independent HR Consultant could be in the near-future. Some of you may feel you’re already pretty close to this, whereas some may feel infinitely far away. Either way, I want to make this a vision we all share – either by adding your ideas to it or embracing it as is. Let me know what you think.

The year is 2026 and Stephanie is an independent HR Consultant who’s been freelance for just over 4 years now. And though the early days of her business were a bit tricky here and there, the last year has seen a remarkable change.

These days she wakes up and completes her morning routine before getting the kids ready for school. Once they’ve left the house she sits down and switches on her computer to find 10 messages in her LinkedIn inbox, as well as 4 unread emails. All of these unread messages are clients asking questions, leads asking if they can work with her, or fellow service providers sharing opportunities for her consideration.

Before she starts replying to these messages she deals with her client work until lunch time. After a brief break, she meets one of her friends in the neighbourhood and goes for a walk in the local area to catch up on the gossip, talk business and just generally unwind from the morning’s busyness.

After that, she begins to deal with the enquiries she has – but by the time she’s returned to her computer another lead has floated into her inbox.

She decides to start work on deciding whether these leads are “right” for her and messages them to try and understand their problems and what they’ve tried as a solution before even considering meeting with them. She knows there’s no point investing time in video chats with prospective clients until she understands their situations better as it could just be a waste of time. And time isn’t something she wastes these days.

Once she’s finished with these messages it’s time for her daily hour of marketing activities which she enjoys doing as she knows what she has to do and how to do it.

Each day has a specific theme and activity for the hour she’s allocated:

  • LinkedIn posts to ensure her online positioning remains consistent.

  • A weekly email for her email list to keep her leads warm and her clients engaged.

  • Project work to create new products that can be sold to existing clients and create additional income.

  • Recording some content which she also repurposes into a LinkedIn article.

  • And finally, updating the data of her marketing and sales spreadsheet so she understands whether she has the “right” number of leads coming to her and the “right” number of sales being made.

She’s never worried about where her leads or clients are coming from anymore, because she has total control of the situation. If there is a “dip” in her data, she simply cranks her lead gen wheel and out spurts someone who needs her help. She loves that she knows exactly what to do if she needs to generate some leads or clients and acts on it without hesitation.

That being said, those days are a rarity, and more likely, she has to outsource work to colleagues for white-labelled efforts, and is considering taking on a part-time employee to add to the virtual assistant she already works with on the admin tasks she doesn’t want to deal with.

All in all, Stephanie knows life has never been better. She’s glad she made the move into freelance HR Consulting, and even more glad she now has the perfect work-life balance.

She’s got an abundance of excellent clients who respect her, value her, and for whom she always adds value to. She earns more than ever before, and she does this while working fewer hours. She’s relaxed, happy, confident and a joy to be around, and she’s got more time to hit the gym, have mid-week lunches with friends and spend quality time with her kids – whilst also being able to save for an early retirement.

Whatsmore, she’s repeatedly sought out for her expert opinion on all manner of topics from HR to leadership to productivity – and she decides whether to engage in these opportunities or not.

She hadn’t realised it until she reflected, but she loves her job, and her life. She knows exactly what she’s doing, all the time, and she’s having fun whilst doing it.

If you’ve read this story and want the same life for yourself then register your interest here and let’s see if you’re fit for what I do. Because this life is very possible. It ain’t easy to get there, but it’s very possible with a bit of hard work.

Please note, I can only work with 6 HR Consultants each quarter, so if you don’t want to miss out then make sure you register your interest ASAP. There’s no pushy sales calls, no twisting your arm around your back, and certainly no commitment. So you’ve nothing to lose by registering your interest today.

Speak soon.


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Nick Poninski
My Offer

The HR Consultants' Complete Client Control Solution

The HRCCCCS is a programme for independent HR Consultants who want to get control of their business and make more money with less work, less hassle, and fewer headaches.