Grab the book on this page for less than a bottle of wine and discover how to…

Get Every Client You’ll Ever Need…

Even if You Don’t “Get” Marketing in the Slightest.

You’ll get the digital book and your two amazing bonus gifts immediately.

If you’re a UK-Based HR Consultant and you’re struggling to get the right client, at the right time for the right fee…

… then your day is about to get a lot better.

Because if you’ve been in business for more than five minutes you’ll know freelance life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

You thought it’d be easy to get clients.

You’re an expert in your field so why wouldn’t people be desperate to hire you, right? 

Attend a few networking meetings, throw out a few posts on LinkedIn and have people flooding into your DMs and emails ready to give you any money to solve their problems., right?

But Getting Control of Your Business Was Harder Than You Thought It’d Be.

You didn’t realise that when you became a business owner you actually became a marketer and a salesperson too.

And no-one prepared you for that realisation.

Which is frustrating because that’s not where your skills lie.

The harsh truth is that being great at your “thing” is the easy part. 

It’s what you love and what you’re best at. 

The problem is before you get to do the thing you love you’ve got to market and sell yourself.

And this is where so many HR Consultants struggle.

Selling and marketing seems difficult, icky and sleazy.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that the struggles you’re facing all boil down to one of more of these three fundamental mistakes – which are fixable:

Which of These 4 Mistakes Are You Making in Your Freelance Business?

The chances are you making one or more of the following four deadly mistakes in your business:

  • You have no system in place for attracting the right kind of prospects and so you take whatever’s on offer – even if the lead doesn’t “feel” right.
  • You don’t sell your services at the rates you know you’re worth and often give discounts.
  • You have no reliable or robust process for predictably converting quality leads into quality clients.
  • You don’t leverage the clients you get into “client-grabbing” opportunities so you’re forced to start generating brand new leads again.

The good news is if one or more of those does apply to you…

… then fixing it is simpler and easier than you likely imagine.

But before we get into that, understand something: if you do find yourself dealing with the wrong kind of prospects and clients, constantly running around from Zoom call to proposal, and ultimately being led-on, fobbed-off and ultimately ghosted…

It’s NOT Your Fault That You Don’t Have Control of Your Business.

But it is your responsibility to fix it.

See, you do things the way you do them mostly because that’s the way everyone else around you is doing them. 

Or because it seems like the “right” way to do things. 

Or because no one ever taught you any different.

And doing things that way is understandable.

You started your Consultancy because you love to do what you do – and you’re great at it.

And you wanted the freedom and financial opportunities that come with “running your own ship”.

And that’s a smart, ambitious and admirable decision.

But the marketing and sales side of things is almost certainly not something you thought too much about though. 

Seeing the possibilities of people hiring you for your expertise through rose-tinted lenses is an easy mistake we’ve all made (I know I did when I started, so you’re not alone).

Unfortunately, you won’t learn to solve any of your sales and marketing challenges by taking advice from your peers and LinkedIn friends.

Because unless they have a business that you’re jealous of, then their advice isn’t relevant.

And if they do have a business that you’re jealous of then you should stop reading this page and just go and copy everything they’re doing!

But if they don’t have a business you’re jealous of then keep reading.

Because you probably have high hopes for your consultancy… and want to forge your own path to business control and financial and time freedom.

For that freedom and control you need a solution to your problems though… because you can’t afford to ignore your problems and hope they somehow sort themselves out.

And I should know.

What My £25,000 Investment and 3 Year Learning Curve Will Teach You About Marketing and Sales

Nick Poninski

Hi, I’m Nick Poninski.

And ever since I can remember I’ve had a keen interest in psychology.

Specifically, why we do what we do, and how we can get people to do what we want them to do.

This led me to an ill-considered career in HR because I thought I could make a difference to people’s working lives.

Unfortunately, that proved impossible because a lot of the work isn’t actually about making things better for people.

And this lack of challenge and satisfaction led me to start various side-hustles which didn’t work out… because I didn’t have a single clue what I was doing.

I Could Write a Book About What I Didn’t Know About Marketing and Sales!

  • I didn’t know about selecting and defining a target market…
  • All the various forms of outreach…
  • Generating inbound queries…
  • Writing copy…
  • Capturing leads…
  • Email marketing…
  • How to conduct sales calls…
  • Delivering the work in a way to “wow” the client…
  • Leveraging successful projects into more projects…
  • Customer success stories…
  • Getting referrals and public recommendations…
  • Increasing customer lifetime value…
  • And setting all this up on auto pilot so I could do less work over time.

And those are just the basics…

I’m not even talking about

  • strategy…
  • branding…
  • collaborating…
  • A/B split testing…
  • etc.

And This Lack of Marketing and Sales Knowledge Meant All My Side Hustles Failed… Costing Me £1000s and Weeks of My Life.

For instance, I dabbled with getting PR… but the exposure killed my product because the journalist had a different agenda to me.

Then I tried some paid advertising… but Facebook isn’t a place to get business unless you can write great copy (spoiler… I couldn’t).

I finally resorted to cold emailing… and all it left me with was a bruised ego and a huge chunk of my life wasted.

All These Failures Made Me Realise I Needed to Make a Change.

I couldn’t keep going the way I was going because everything was failing.

And as I wanted to leave my HR career behind and do something else I had to find a way of building a successful business.

That was an overwhelming thought though.

After all…

Where Do You Start When Trying to Build a Successful Business?

For a newbie there’s loads to consider.

But I was fortunate that I stumbled across an advert for copywriting and my journey began with gusto.

The idea of being paid to write filled my heart with joy. 

I’d always loved writing but never considered doing it professionally because of some bad advice at a young age from a well-meaning parental figure.

But seeing that advert about copywriting changed my life.

Suddenly I could see a path forward.

I Discovered That I Could Use Words to Persuade People to Buy Things.

Realising this, I invested £1997 and 12 weeks of my life on a copywriting course that taught me how to write copy. 

Then I invested countless time and money into developing an encyclopaedic knowledge of copy and psychology from various books.

You name it, I’ve read it. 

From Influence by Robert Cialdini to Storybrand by Don Miller. From Superfans by Pat Flynn to the One Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib. From Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss to Atomic Habits by James Clear.

I then took another course on SEO… and another course on copywriting… and before you could say, quit your job, I’d quit my job and began investing all my time and effort into copywriting.

Unfortunately, I didn’t become the vaunted “6-figure copywriter” despite investing a further £6,000 into a copywriting membership to improve my writing ability.

I Was Still Struggling to Get a Consistent Stream of Leads and Clients.

I threw over £2,000 at a “business coach” for a few months… I spoke to friends and family… I listened to podcasts and put their advice into practice… But something was still amiss.

I still didn’t have any control of my business.

What didn’t help was a complete lack of network.

After all, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” right?

And that’s how I ended up at a networking event where I met a Business Consultant.

He told me about his business and his story sounded so familiar to my own.

He was great at his job… and he’d invested £1000s and weeks of his life honing his craft… But he still didn’t have the leads and clients he needed to have a “successful business”.

Like me, he had the odd client here and there, but no pipeline of qualified high-paying leads.

And That Needed to Change.

For both of us.

And that’s when I had my revelation… that if I wanted the business of my dreams I had to learn about marketing properly.

I needed to understand what made people want to hire me.

What made them choose me over anyone else.

And how I could engineer that situation to happen more predictably.

So that I could have the right client at the right time for the right fee… so I’d have control of my business.

Now, You May Be Thinking I Should’ve Realised This Earlier.

I should’ve realised that I needed an abundance of healthy leads in order to get a decent amount of clients.

But, like you, I’m not perfect.

I’m confident, happy and optimistic… which is great in day-to-day life.

But that positivity can leave you exposed in the business world.

And that’s what happened to me… just like it’d happened to the Business Consultant I met at the networking event.

My optimism and confidence made me believe that people would flock to work with me.

Why wouldn’t they, right?

I delivered an excellent service… all my clients agreed.

Surely, word would spread and people would start seeking me out for my help.

I’d be inundated with leads and referrals.

But That’s Not What Happened.

I had no control over my business.

I took whatever leads came my way… and I didn’t charge as much as I should’ve done because I didn’t want to scare the lead away.

And my outreach was rubbish.

I wasn’t using key marketing tactics like… lumpy mail, direct mail, referrals, customer success stories, or a mailing list.

I was just posting “value” a few times a day on LinkedIn and hoping for the best.

And as you may know, randomly posting on social media and hoping for the best is a recipe for disaster.

Overall, I Was in a Crap Situation.

I was working myself back into full-time employment without realising it.

Which was a bummer because I loved being self-employed.

I loved working for myself… well, at least the dream of it.

Keeping all my profits to myself… working the hours I wanted… doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.

There was a glaring problem though: I had no control of my business whatsoever.

That’s when I knew I had to make a change.

I Decided to Take Control of My Business

I was going to learn all I could about marketing and sales and put it into action.

From attraction to conversion to retention.

I took a month off from writing copy for clients and re-read all my marketing books.

I hired a Marketing Coach for £12,000.

And a LinkedIn coach for £4,000.

And I started to understand one very key thing.

Something that had eluded me despite hearing it repeatedly.

Marketing and Sales Are the Lifeblood of Business.

Because if you don’t have any leads… you don’t have any clients.

And if you don’t have clients… then you don’t have any sales.

And with no sales… comes no profits.

And, no profits mean you don’t have a business.

You’ve got a self-imposed prison.

And it’s only a matter of time before you end up back in full time employment with a boss who knows less than you do…

Chained to a desk for 8 hours every day with an hour commute each way…

Making money for someone else….

And knowing that no matter how hard you work your salary will rarely reflect the value you give.

Meaning you’ll never have the top of the range sports car in your driveway… or that high-end watch on your wrist… or that holiday home somewhere sunny and warm to hide out from the grim English winter.

But there is a solution.

That solution is the book you see before you today.

This Book Will Give You Full Client Control

By putting what you discover into action you’ll have the right client at the right time for the right fee.

Effectively, you’ll have the business of your dreams.

Living life on your own terms.

More control over your life and how you spend your time…

  • So you can relax with your partner in a stunning castle in the English countryside on a weekend away…
  • So you can take your kids to Disney World and not blink at the exorbitant prices…
  • And get back in touch with your uni mates and show them what a success you’ve become.

And that’s why you need this book.

Stop Struggling: Get the Client is a quick and easy read which explains a series of simple, elegant, and powerful systems you can plug into your business to get...

The Right Client… At the Right Time… For the Right Fee.

You’ll get the digital book and your two amazing bonus gifts immediately.

Here’s a Quick Look at What You’ll Discover in Your Copy of Stop Struggling: Get the Client.

How to Get and Keep Every Client Your Consulting Business Will Ever Need.

There are 3 areas of marketing (Attract, Convert and Retain) and this book covers them in simple terms with easily implementable tools and strategies that you can easily plug into your business.

That way you’ll never have to worry about where the next client is coming from… and instead you can sleep soundly at night knowing your bank balance is going to go in one direction: the right direction.

Why you may have been doing work “the long way” all your life – and how to change it.

Using the simple tips and strategies in this book you’ll discover a better way of working that delivers results in less time so you can spend more time on passion projects.

How to Attract the Best Clients to Your Business While at the Same Time Repelling the Rest. 

Mastering this skill is perhaps the most important skill you’ll ever learn in your business, because bad clients annihilate your time and energy. Whereas “good” clients appreciate what you do and sing your praises to everyone they meet.

That means you’ll have an amazing set of clients and waste minimal time and energy to get them… so you can spend your time with loved ones doing fun things.

The Secret to Charging Premium Rates, Fees, and Prices for Your Expertise Without Anxiety or Price-Resistance From Your Clients. 

The key to financial freedom is in your prices, not your volume of sales. Not only will higher fees make you more money but they’ll also ensure you get a far better class of client.

And once you learn “Prerogative Pricing” you’ll understand how to charge more for your services with little to no pushback… so you can start indulging in luxury holidays or saving for your retirement.

The simple solution to skyrocketing your focus in less than 5 minutes a day.

There’s an easy way to boost your concentration… banish brain fog… and enhance your focus… so you can get more work done in less time and avoid finishing your day with nothing to show for it.

How to Stop Wasting Your Time Talking to Unqualified and Unsuitable Prospects.

Most enquiries end up going nowhere, meaning every minute you spend talking to a prospect is likely to be wasted.

Instead, you can implement “Sifting” so you only spend time talking to people who you want to help… you can help… and will pay for your services.

That means you’ll have more time to serve your clients or swot up on your industry trends… So your clients are delighted with your overall performance and repeatedly hire you and refer their friends and family to you.

Why You’ll Never Again Find Yourself Wringing Your Hands Anxiously Hoping, Wishing, and Praying Your Client Would Pay the Damned Invoice.

Instead, you discover how to get paid on time, every time, and right from Day One.

It’s very simple advice… you can probably guess what I’m going to say… and you might be reluctant to do it… But once you embrace the learning of the book and position yourself as the expert that you are… that reluctance will disappear.

A Better Way to Use LinkedIn Than “Giving Value” or Seeking “Engagement”. 

Social media can be a great source of leads and business, although trying to get those dopamine-inducing likes, shares, comments, and views is not only a waste of time but also frequently actively counterproductive.

Let me show you how to use LinkedIn to drive inbound queries, and get into conversations with prospects that lead to sales.

How to Face and Deal More Effectively With Adversity.

This is a MUST as competition for gigs become more intense and the sniping on social media descends to new lows in civility.

Instead, build yourself a coat of armour so strong King Arthur would be impressed. And any setbacks or challenges can be ignored like water off a duck’s back.

The 1 Vital Trait of Effective Leadership. 

A lot of people pump out a lot of hot air about “leadership” these days and I can’t help but think most of them are comprehensively missing the point.

Discover the one thing that sets Leaders apart from everyone else… Then embrace it to secure your position as an Expert so you can charge more… get better clients… and be treated with the respect you deserve instead of being the hired help who works for a pittance.

Why you should NEVER, EVER be submitting proposals… and what to do instead (and get paid for doing it).

Sending through free proposals after an unpaid consultation call is an absolute waste of your time. You’ll be ignored more often than not, and your lead will try to implement what you’ve advised without your expertise and then fail and blame you for bad advice.

Instead, discover what to do instead so you never work for free again… and secure sales that get money in your pocket immediately following a conversation with your lead.

Why Others’ Opinions of You Are Only as Important as You Decide to Let Them Be.

Sure, their opinions can wound you but only to the extent you allow them to. Indifference is a learnable skill and you get better at it the more you practise. Follow the drills I share with you, and you’ll be operating from a point of rock-solid emotional invulnerability before you know it.

How to Promote and Sell Yourself Without Fear, Guilt, Anxiety, or Resistance. 

Sales and selling have an undeservedly bad rep. I’ll show you why your negative attitude to selling yourself is unwarranted and based on flawed premises (and it’s costing you a fortune… and your peace of mind).

That way you can go out there, shout from the rooftops about who you are and what you do with pride… resulting in you being seen as the go-to expert in your field.

How to Get the Right Answer From a Prospect Who’s Ghosted You  and Vanished off the Radar. 

This simple sentence always gets you the answer you need even if it’s not the answer you want. Best of all, it’s a non-needy, non-desperate approach which won’t leave you feeling like you want to cringe.

A complete guide to LinkedIn so you know exactly what to say – and what not to say – in order to get more business than ever before.

Everyone talks about how great LinkedIn is for getting business but you don’t feel like you’re getting as much out of it as you could be.

This book will take you from profile picture… to what to post… to what to message people so every second you spend on LinkedIn is spent wisely and effectively.

The One Skill That will Change your Life for the better Forever. 

This might sound like an exaggeration but it’s not. There is a certain way of behaving that ensures respect from everyone around you, and ensures no-one ever takes advantage of you again.

This is particularly important for women who want to avoid being labelled as “aggressive” or “bitchy” when they won’t let others walk all over them. And it’s equally important for men who’ve been socialised to play “nice”.

What you must include in your elevator pitch at Networking meetings in order to make a great impression and have people want to work with you.

If you never get the results from networking that your peers talk about then the chances are you’re doing it wrong. Well, the simple answer is to do networking better, right?

This book will tell you the exact 5 elements your elevator pitch needs to include so your time at networking meetings is spent wisely and effectively and garners the leads and enquiries you deserve.

A simple solution to avoid Wasting Your Time With Enquiries From Price-Buyers, who usually only Want a Quote to Play You off Against Other Consultants.

Time is the most valuable resource we have, so don’t waste yours on someone who’ll never hire you – or you wouldn’t work with.

Go and play with the kids in the park instead. Or go and find a better class of prospect who’ll be happy to pay your fees before you even tell them what they are.

Become the Go-to-Guy or Gal in Your Field so People Flock to Work With You and You Don’t Need to “Find” Clients Anymore.

With the foolproof implementable systems you’ll discover in this book and you can plug into your business you’ll have an abundance of high-quality queries so you can pick and choose who you work with.

This book will have everything you need to Attract, Convert and Retain every client you’ll ever need… and once everything is set up you’ll only need to invest about an hour “cranking the wheel” each day.

Get a Never Ending Flow of High-Quality Referrals With Just Half an Hour’s Work Every Month.

Getting clients without working for them is the dream of every HR Consultant. But using the Triple R of Referrals you can do it in just 4 simple steps each month and watch those referrals come flooding in while you spend your time binging the new series on Netflix.

Become the Philanthropic Leader You’ve Always Wanted to Be.

Because you have an abundance of high-paying, perfect-fit clients in your pipeline you’ll have more time and money to devote to causes which are close to your heart.

You should definitely niche, right? Wrong. And for one very good reason.

Everyone talks about niching and the benefits it brings to your business. And generally speaking, they’re right, niching is a great way of improving your bank balance and getting clients….

But there are times when niching might’t be the best decision for your business… and will actually cost you leads and sales. Use the information in this book to discover if niching is right for you.

The “right” and “wrong” way to write messages that your audience will respond to.

Using the easy to fill templates inside the book you’ll be able to create a portfolio of messages you can use time and again to say the “right” things about your business without much thought.

That way your audience will always listen to you… and understand exactly why they should want to work with you… without you lifting a finger.

The complete guide to getting leads onto your mailing list – and keeping them there until they Buy, Die or Unsubscribe…without upsetting or annoying anyone.

Your mailing list is the gold mine of your business. You need to start one today if you haven’t already. And once people are on your mailing list you need to sell to them until they buy from you… but you have to sell to them without upsetting them or refusing to work with you.

This book will show you the exact steps to take and emails to send to secure an abundance of subscribers which you can safely and easily turn into clients… in less than half an hour a day.

The amazing method of handling sales calls so you “close” them inside the first 10 minutes without any hard selling or sleazy tactics.

The “Sales Heaven” method you’ll discover in this book will skyrocket your results in sales calls and save you time too… meaning more money in your pocket for that shiny new motor you have your eye on… and more time to drive it.

What a Signature Offer Is and Why You’re Losing Money Every Day You Don’t Have One.

A Signature Offer is an essential part of marketing your business and getting to 6-figures or more… and every day you don’t have one to offer your clients you’re losing sales.

Get this book and discover how to build your own Signature Offer, sell it repeatedly and easily, and then leverage it, repeatedly, to turn your business into your own personal cash-dispensing ATM.

The simple way to define and review your knock-out Signature Offer in only a few hours… without any difficulties and even if you’ve never done it before.

There’s a simple method of defining your Signature Offer to sit at the base of all your marketing and sales effort… and you can discover it here so you can have your own Signature Offer to offer with just a day’s work.

How to get people scrambling over themselves to sign up for your Signature Offer as soon as you launch it… even if you don’t have any leads for it yet.

There’s a very simple way of using the Signature Offer you’ve planned out to get an influx of cash BEFORE you even build it… meaning you get proof of concept and cash in your pocket without weeks of work.

The one simple thing you can do to make your Signature Offer stand out against all other offers from every other Business Consultant… even if you think you don’t particularly do anything special or different.

Chances are your Signature Offer seems relatively similar to other offers that HR Consultants like yourself make. And that’s fine. There are relatively few new ideas after all. But there is a simple way of making sure you stand out from the crowd so you can secure easy sales whilst leaving your peers nervously watching their bank balance dwindle.

The two obvious things you need to do every time you finish working with a client to make sure future leads see you as the answer to their prayers before they even meet you (Hint: It’s not to ask them for a referral)

There are two simple steps you need to take to ensure you leverage the ample opportunities available to you every time you finish working with a client.

Failing to take these steps means more work for you because your future leads will need more persuasion to become your clients… and your sales calls will be trickier than they should be.

How to Get and Keep Every Client Your Consulting Business Will Ever Need.

This benefit is worth repeating because it’s the central theme which runs right the way through the book.

Everything you discover in this book is written with just one aim: to give you full control of your clients and business so you can achieve 6-figures or more… and give you more time to spend as you wish.

And much, much more besides.

You’ll get the digital book and your two amazing bonus gifts immediately.

Stop Struggling: Get the Client Costs Less Than a Bottle of Wine.

As you can see from above, this book will give you the business you’ve been craving since you started out.

And it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

In fact, it’ll cost you less than a bottle of wine, which is an insignificant amount of money when you think about it, right?

And if only half of the things I’ve promised are true, then the book will be worth way more than a bottle of wine, right?

That said, the good news is that EVERYTHING you’ve read about is true.

This book will give you the time and mental freedom you’ve been dreaming of since you set up your consultancy.

Because you’ll have a system to get the right client at the right time for the right fee so you never need to worry about feast or famine ever again.

In fact, you’ll be in the driving seat for early retirement, whilst making sizeable investments – without skimping on luxury holidays.

And if all that wasn’t enough, then you’re about to discover 2 amazing bonuses which will put the value of your investment WAY higher than a measly bottle of wine.

These Bonuses Aren’t Necessary to Get the Most out of the Book

Stop Struggling: Get the Client has everything you need to take control of your business so you can happily head to the pub with your mates more frequently and not flinch about buying multiple the rounds.

But I want to help you avoid any difficulties you have with implementing what you’ve read about.

As I say, these bonuses are completely unnecessary.

But I want you to get amazing results, so I’m gonna give you everything you need AND MORE.

Make sense?


Now let’s check out these bonuses.

Free Bonus 1:

A Free 15-Minute Consultation Call

At the start of my book you’ll read how I don’t work for free, and you can’t message me asking about the activities you complete and whether you’ve done them, “right”.

But, there is a small caveat to that.

To show my gratitude to you for getting this book, I’m going to give you a free 15-minute consultation to pick my brains on absolutely anything you want.

So whatever you’re struggling with most…

Whatever is leaving you clueless…

Whatever you still can’t do and renders you frustrated beyond belief…

You’re gonna get 15 minutes to pick my brains and find a solution you can implement immediately. 

And considering I charge £250 per hour for calls just like this…

Your free 15 minute Consultation Call is actually worth £62.50.

Which doesn’t sound like a right lot when you see it there in print.

But considering you’re getting that at no additional cost when you get a book for less than the cost of a bottle of wine…

And you can then spend your £62.50 elsewhere…

Like a take away with your partner…

Or a ticket to the football with your mates…

Or maybe even a new lightbulb for your smarthome setup…

Then investing in this book is surely worth it, right?

After all, you’ll have all the answers to all your problems for an insignificant amount of money.

Here Are 6 Ways You Can Use Your No-Cost Consultation Call:

A Solution to Your Problem

Your free call will give you extra insight to something you’re struggling with so you’re not left pulling your hair out trying to decide what to do next.

An Answer to Your Question

Sounds similar to the above benefit but it’s slightly different. See, instead of having a problem, you may just have a question which you can get resolved to stop it eating away at you.

Opportunity to Brainstorm

If you’ve got something on your mind, and you want to explore that topic with a confidante then this is your opportunity. We can explore a topic of your choosing and find a best-fit solution for your business.

expert Perspective

Sometimes you’re just too close to the woods to see the trees. So having an opportunity to get someone’s fresh perspective can help give a simple solution to a problem which seems insurmountable.

Copy Confirmation

Whatever messages you create to attract, convert or retain your audience, you can let me have a look over them so you can get better and hard-hitting messages that lead to more leads, clients, sales and profits.

Deep Dive

Although 15 minutes doesn’t sound like a lot, it can be a perfect amount of time to deep dive into a topic of your choosing and get some extra understanding about it with a specific focus on your business.

Free Bonus 2:

Stop Struggling: Sell Your Course This Week

OK, you might be thinking that you don’t have a course to sell, so why would you want this free book?

Well, it’s simple.

Although the aim of my first book was to help Coaches and Course Creators sell their courses, the book is helpful to anyone who needs or wants to write copy.

And, even though Stop Struggling: Get the Client gives you everything you need to talk confidently about your business…

It’s always possible to dive into a topic deeper if you have the time, inclination or desire, right?

And that’s what this free book will give you: A much more in-depth look at writing messages that persuade people to do what you want them to do.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “Nick, this book is on sale on Amazon and your website for £10+. Why are you giving it away for free?”


I want you to get such amazing results for such a low investment that you’ll want to work with me.

Sure, I’m potentially losing out on £10+ but in the big scheme of things that doesn’t matter really, does it?

The number of people who come to work with me after they’ve read my books makes it a no-brainer to continue to give valuable content away for free.

Here’s What You Get With Stop Struggling: Sell Your Course This Week:

An Abundance of Copyable Formulas

Whatever you want to say, there’s a formula to help you get your point across so your copy hits harder than a hammer through a plate glass window.

How to Leverage The 10 Reasons Why People Buy

You’ll be introduced to the 10 definitive reasons why people buy things and then I’ll take your hand and show you how to use these reasons to move your audience to want to work with you.

Facebook Adverts

If you ever decide you want to start using Facebook adverts this book will give you the skills to write high-performing adverts that stop people scrolling and get them to click and interact.

Lead Magnet Study

An in-depth look at all the lead magnets you could potentially offer for your consultancy business so you can use the one which grabs the contact details of potential clients while you’re working with your existing clients.

Sales Page

A full explanation of how to write a high-converting sales page so you can advertise your services on your website and get informed and warm enquiries on autopilot.

Copy Tips and Tricks

A comprehensive look at all the different ways you can write good copy so that you can add copywriting to your skillset.

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If at any time between now and the day you die you decide that what you’ve read in this book isn’t worth at least a thousand times what you paid to get it in your hands…

Just let me know and I’ll ensure you get a full and courteous refund of DOUBLE your money back (and you can keep it and everything else you may have downloaded).

And as my way of cheering you up and apologising for having wasted your time… I’ll gift you an Afternoon Tea voucher which can be used anywhere in the country.

Amazing offer, right?


So what are you waiting for?

You’ll get the digital book and your two amazing bonus gifts immediately.

You Have 3 Options Right Now

As I see things, you have 3 options in front of you right now.

  • Do nothing.
  • Try and solve the lack of marketing and sales issues in your business yourself.
  • Get this book and 2 bonuses for less than the price of a bottle of wine.

Let’s explore those options together.

Do Nothing

You know your business could be in a better place but you’re going to do nothing about it.

And that’s fine if that’s your choice.

Because if your thought process is that you’d rather continue struggling than invest in something that’ll solve your problems then I’m glad you’re not getting the book.

You’d be the kind of person to request an immediate refund and an Afternoon Tea and I’d have to mock you relentlessly on LinkedIn for it.

And you’re certainly not the kind of person who takes responsibility for their business or will do anything with the knowledge they get from the book.

Presumably, “everything else” is the reason your business isn’t where you want it to be and you have no control of it.

And that sounds like a nightmare client to me.

So, yes, please move on with my day – god bless.

Try and Solve the Lack of Marketing, Sales and Control Issue in Your Business Yourself

OK, you’re a self-starter.

I like that.

You’re reading this page and thinking to yourself that you’ll solve these issues yourself.

You don’t need my help or my book.

And if that’s you then I wish you the best of luck – sincerely.

You’re a man/woman after my own heart.

I’ve read sales pages like these before and thought the exact same thing.

The thing is, without an expert guide, you’re probably not gonna make the progress you want to.

You might, but you might not.

So it’s debatable whether you end up with a business that gives you the time and financial freedom to take your loved ones on winter ski holidays without grimacing at the price.

You’ll muddle along with your business, cheerfully hoping that things will get better next month.

Something will turn up if you just keep doing what you’re doing, right?

Maybe. But probably not.

Things don’t improve without the right interventions.

Chances are if you continue on the path you’re on now, without making a change, then you’ll continue on the path you’re on now, or worse, and you’ll be right back here in a year’s time (or more) wishing you’d made the investment earlier.

So, yeah, if this is you, feel free to take the chance.

If you think you can start talking about your business in a way that gets more leads, customers, sales and profits than you’ve ever had before without any help, then go nuts.

But just remember this moment when you’re back here in a year’s time.

And you’re £100K of profit (or more) worse off.

Get This Book and 2 Bonuses for Less Than a Bottle of Wine

OK, now we’re talking!

You’ve decided that enough is enough and you’re going to make a change in your consultancy business.

Great decision.

Getting this book will give you the keys to mental, financial and time freedom.

You’ll be in control of what you do and how you do it with your clients.

You’ll no longer be pushed around like the hired help.

And instead you’ll be treated like the expert that you are.

Equally, you’ll have the abundance of perfect-fit, high-paying clients you’ve always dreamed of.

In fact, you’ll get the right client, at the right time, for the right fee.

Life will never be rosier.

You’ll have more time for day trips with your loved ones, spa days with your partner, or golfing or shopping trips with your friends.

You’ll have the money for luxury watches and beautiful cars whilst still saving for early retirement.

You’ll hire a nutritionist and a personal trainer so you can get into shape and live longer, happier and healthier.

And you’ll be able to get a bigger house that your partner will love you for – especially when you hire a cleaner so neither of you have to bother with “chores” anymore.

Sounds good, right?

Well, it’s all possible.

You just need to take the first step and get this book and the two amazing bonuses.

So what are you waiting for?

You’ll get the digital book and your two amazing bonus gifts immediately.

Will this book really tell me how to get the right client, at the right time, for the right fee?

Short answer, yes. There’s a lot of work you’ll have to do to get to that position, but if your end-goal is to have control of marketing and selling your business, then this book will tell you how to do that.

What does, “the right client, at the right time, for the the right fee” mean?

It means you’ll be selective about who you work with, you’ll charge high fees to work with them and you’ll be able to get them whenever you want (within reason).

Will this book really help me? My business is different because of X, Y, Z.

Firstly, no-one’s business is ever that different. They all have the same problems at their core and therefore, they all have the same solutions available to them.

You may not want to implement some of the solutions I suggest, because of REASONS, but if you read the book with an open mind and implement what I suggest, you really will have business control.

I’m not going to suggest you implement anything ridiculous for your business because I have no interest in embarrassing you. But there are some things I suggest implementing that I’m aware some people may rail against. And that’s fine. But that’s also their choice. But if you do as I say then you’ll have a very smug grin when you leave them in your dust.

I don’t know how to write or talk about myself or my business. Will this book still help me?

Yes. That’s exactly what this book is here to solve. You’ll have a method of creating the exact words you need to write and talk about yourself confidently in all the settings you find yourself.

And then you’ll have a no-cost consultation call to pick my brains on anything that you want clarification on.

I’m still relatively new to business/I’ve been in business for years/I want to retire soon. Will this book help me?

Yes, yes and yes. Whatever stage of business you’re at, if you want a pipeline of perfect-fit, high-paying clients then this is the book for you, my friend.

If this book does everything you promise why are you selling it so cheap?

Great question. And in time I may increase the price. But honestly, and I’ve admitted this above and in the book too, I want you to buy the book so you become invested with me.

See, once someone is a client they’re WAY more likely to buy from you again, versus someone who has never bought from you, right? We’re all repeat-purchases at heart. There’s less risk that way. So, by offering this book at a small price, I’m hoping to remove your risk and for this to become the gateway to a fruitful and profitable relationship.

Now, if you buy the book and I never hear from you again, that’s fine. Hopefully, it’s because you implement everything you read and don’t need my help. But if it’s because you don’t implement a thing, never read my emails, and then move on to the next shiny object, then that’s fine too. It’s probably for the best that we go our separate ways in that case. I’m here to build a successful business I can look at, smile with pride, and I hope you are too.

I never get any “inbound” leads. Will this book help with that?

Yes. There are a few systems in this book that are easily implementable and will get you that pipeline of perfect-fit, high-paying clients that you need to get full control of your consulting business.

Do I have to make cold call sales call?

No. You can if you want to, but I don’t talk about that method in this book. I do talk about an abundance of options which you can use without leaving your house, but cold calling isn’t one of them.

I don’t know how to sell. Will this book help me?

Within reason. There’s only so much I can explain in the book, but I do go through my method of Sales Heaven which is easily implementable and, in theory, gets you a close at the start of the call rather than at the end. That means you get more sales because it’s an easily implementable system. But you also save time because if they’re not willing to buy from you then you’ll know early on and you can both leave the call happy within minutes of joining it.

There’s no “hard selling” going on, just having a chat and being open and honest, and if you have a solution for your lead then you can present that to them. But if not, then you can go your separate ways.

Is this book all about LinkedIn and social media?

In short, no.

There’s an element of using LinkedIn because that’s an easy way to find your target audience, but if you don’t want to use it you don’t have to.

You won’t get advice on any other social media though. In my opinion social media is a waste of time and it’s not good for the soul.

What areas of marketing and sales does this book cover?

You’re gonna get my Full Stack Marketing Pack.

That means, you’ll know your target audience, and how to attract, convert and retain them. That way you’ll never be in feast or famine ever again.

You’ll also be able to push away the leads who aren’t “right” for you so you’re not working with soul-suckers, freebie seekers, tyre kickers and others who just waste your time and are a pain to work with.

How do I make sure I don’t end up with “bad” clients?

There are generally two reasons why we end up with “bad” clients.

The first reason is that we’re desperate for any clients so we ignore our gut-feeling and sign on to work with someone we know we shouldn’t. However, because of this book you’ll never be in a position like that.

The second reason we end up with “bad clients” is that we don’t take time to “sniff test” them and decide if they’re right for us.

To combat that, you’ll discover “Sifting” which will help you get an understanding of who you’re dealing with. Equally, the marketing material you’ll start using after reading this short book *should* push the “bad” clients away from you.

I lack confidence so I charge low fees. Can this book help with that?

It sure can. There is a section in the book that talks all about mindset and Prerogative Pricing so you can confidently ramp up your prices and start charging what you and your expertise are worth.

Is this book just gonna try and get me to hire you?

Absolutely not. There are two places in the book where I suggest hiring me if you’re struggling, but other than that, this book is “all killer, no filler”.

After all those questions, let me ask YOU a question?

If you’re struggling with your Consultancy Business then why WOULDN’T you get this book? You’ll discover how to attract, convert and retain every client you’ll ever need even if you have no idea about marketing in the slightest.

Whatsmore, the book costs less than a bottle of wine, it’s tax deductible and if you don’t like it you can always get double your money back and an afternoon tea. So you really have nothing to lose.

Now, if you’re still on the fence then I have nothing else to say. But if you’re finally convinced then let me be the first to congratulate you. You’ve made a great choice. Just click the button below and I’ll see you on the other side!

You’ll get the digital book and your two amazing bonus gifts immediately.